open access publication

Article, 2024

Real time organ hypoperfusion detection using Indocyanine Green in a piglet model

Surgical Endoscopy, ISSN 0930-2794, 10.1007/s00464-024-10938-0


Oppermann C. 0000-0002-8806-8303 (Corresponding author) [1] Dohrn N. 0000-0002-4854-300X [1] [2] Pardes H.Y. 0000-0002-4780-751X [1] Klein M. 0000-0001-6609-4263 [1] Eriksen T. 0000-0001-5774-1166 [3] Gogenur I. 0000-0003-2532-4063 [2]


  1. [1] Zealand University Hospital
  2. [NORA names: Region Zealand; Hospital; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  3. [2] Department of Cardiology
  4. [NORA names: Capital Region of Denmark; Hospital; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  5. [3] University of Copenhagen
  6. [NORA names: KU University of Copenhagen; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


Background: Preserving sufficient oxygen supply to the tissue is fundamental for maintaining organ function. However, our ability to identify those at risk and promptly recognize tissue hypoperfusion during abdominal surgery is limited. To address this problem, we aimed to develop a new method of perfusion monitoring that can be used during surgical procedures and aid surgeons’ decision-making. Methods: In this experimental porcine study, thirteen subjects were randomly assigned one organ of interest [stomach (n = 3), ascending colon (n = 3), rectum (n = 3), and spleen (n = 3)]. After baseline perfusion recordings, using high-frequency, low-dose bolus injections with weight-adjusted (0.008 mg/kg) ICG, organ-supplying arteries were manually and completely occluded leading to hypoperfusion of the target organ. Continuous organ perfusion monitoring was performed throughout the experimental conditions. Results: After manual occlusion of pre-selected organ-supplying arteries, occlusion of the peripheral arterial supply translated in an immediate decrease in oscillation signal in most organs (3/3 ventricle, 3/3 ascending colon, 3/3 rectum, 2/3 spleen). Occlusion of the central arterial supply resulted in a further decrease or complete disappearance of the oscillation curves in the ventricle (3/3), ascending colon (3/3), rectum (3/3), and spleen (1/3). Conclusion: Continuous organ-perfusion monitoring using a high-frequency, low-dose ICG bolus regimen can detect organ hypoperfusion in real-time.


Abdominal surgery, Fluorescence, Fluorescence-angiography, Hypoperfusion, Indocyanine Green, Porcine study

Data Provider: Elsevier