open access publication

Article, 2024

Novel multinary nanocomposite of GO/AlCrO/SiO/MnO/SnO: synthesis and electrochemical performance for energy storage system

Journal of Taibah University for Science, ISSN 1658-3655, Volume 18, 1, 10.1080/16583655.2024.2351619


Batool K. 0000-0002-0375-3492 [1] Rani M. 0000-0002-9117-3403 (Corresponding author) [1] Akram M. [1] Shafique R. 0000-0001-7735-5764 [1] A. Alothman A. [2] Algahtani H. [2] Saleh Mohammad M. [2] Ali S. 0000-0001-7865-2664 [3] Jahan F. [4]


  1. [1] The Women University Multan
  2. [NORA names: Pakistan; Asia, South];
  3. [2] King Saud University
  4. [NORA names: Saudi Arabia; Asia, Middle East];
  5. [3] Technical University of Denmark
  6. [NORA names: DTU Technical University of Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  7. [4] Department of Computer Engineering
  8. [NORA names: Pakistan; Asia, South]


A unique nanocomposite GO/AlCrO/MnO/SiO/SnO synthesized through hydrothermal method serves as an electrode material for electrochemical supercapacitors. The material structural and optical characteristics were studied using various techniques. Interestingly, the average crystallite sizes were 16.88, 21.2, 20.81 nm for AlCrO, GO, and GO@AlCrO@SiO@MnO@SnO nanocomposite, respectively. The nanocomposite displayed 16 nm spherical grains due to particle aggregation on the graphene oxide surface causing structural deviations evident in the Raman spectrum slope around 1578 cm. FTIR spectra revealed distinctive bands at 2097 cm and 1523 cm indicating metal–oxygen bonds. UV-Vis spectra disclosed a band gap of 2.85 eV and a zeta potential of 27.9 mV signifying stability. The hybrid electrode exhibited remarkable electrochemical performance boasting a specific capacitance of 2495 Fg for scan rate of 10 mVs. Given its robust performance under high current densities, enduring stability and energy efficiency the material holds significant promise as an energy storage material particularly for supercapacitors.


Multinary nanocomposite, energy storage application, nano-electrode fabrication, sol-gel method


  • NRPU
  • Women University Multan
  • National Institute of Lasers and Optronics
  • Higher education of Pakistan
  • King Saud University

Data Provider: Elsevier