Article, 2024

ΛCDM not dead yet: massive high-z Balmer break galaxies are less common than previously reported

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, ISSN 0035-8711, Volume 530, 3, Pages 2935-2952, 10.1093/mnras/stae1084


Desprez G. 0000-0001-8325-1742 (Corresponding author) [1] Martis N.S. 0000-0003-3243-9969 [1] [2] Asada Y. 0000-0003-3983-5438 [1] [3] Sawicki M. 0000-0002-7712-7857 [1] Willott C.J. 0000-0002-4201-7367 [2] Muzzin A. 0000-0002-9330-9108 [4] Abraham R. 0000-0002-4542-921X [5] [6] Bradac M. 0000-0001-5984-0395 [7] [8] Brammer G. 0000-0003-2680-005X [9] [10] Estrada-Carpenter V. 0000-0001-8489-2349 [1] Iyer K.G. 0000-0001-9298-3523 [11] Matharu J. 0000-0002-7547-3385 [9] [10] Mowla L. 0000-0002-8530-9765 [12] Noirot G. [1] Sarrouh G.T.E. 0000-0001-8830-2166 [4] Strait V. 0000-0002-6338-7295 [9] [10] Gledhill R. [9] [10] Rihtarsic G. 0009-0009-4388-898X [8]


  1. [1] Saint Mary's University
  2. [NORA names: Canada; America, North; OECD];
  3. [2] National Research Council of Canada
  4. [NORA names: Canada; America, North; OECD];
  5. [3] Kyoto University
  6. [NORA names: Japan; Asia, East; OECD];
  7. [4] York University
  8. [NORA names: Canada; America, North; OECD];
  9. [5] Dunlap Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics
  10. [NORA names: Canada; America, North; OECD];


Early JWST observations that targeted so-called double-break sources (attributed to Lyman and Balmer breaks at z > 7), reported a previously unknown population of very massive, evolved high-redshift galaxies. This surprising discovery led to a flurry of attempts to explain these objects’ unexpected existence including invoking alternatives to the standard cold dark matter (CDM) cosmological paradigm. To test these early results, we adopted the same double-break candidate galaxy selection criteria to search for such objects in the JWST images of the CAnadian Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph (NIRISS) Unbiased Cluster Survey (CANUCS), and found a sample of 19 sources over five independent CANUCS fields that cover a total effective area of ∼60 arcmin at z ∼ 8. However, (1) our spectral energy distribution fits do not yield exceptionally high-stellar masses for our candidates, while (2) spectroscopy of five of the candidates shows that while all five are at high redshifts, their red colours are due to high-equivalent width emission lines in star-forming galaxies rather than Balmer breaks in massive, evolved systems. Additionally, (3) field-to-field variance leads to differences of ∼1.5 dex in the maximum stellar masses measured in the different fields, suggesting that the early single-field JWST observations may have suffered from cosmic variance and/or sample bias. Finally, (4) we show that the presence of even a single massive outlier can dominate conclusions from small samples such as those in early JWST observations. In conclusion, we find that the double-break sources in CANUCS are not sufficiently massive or numerous to warrant questioning the standard CDM paradigm.


dark ages, reionization, first stars, galaxies: evolution, galaxies: high-redshift


  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
  • National Research Council Canada
  • Danish Natural Science Research Council
  • Canadian Space Agency
  • Canadian Advanced Network For Astronomy Research
  • Canarie
  • European Research Council
  • Slovenian national research agency ARRS
  • Space Telescope Science Institute
  • Canada Foundation for Innovation

Data Provider: Elsevier