Article, 2024

A Distributed Turn-Off Delay Compensator Scheme for Voltage Balancing of Series-Connected IGBTs

IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, ISSN 2168-6777, Volume 12, 3, Pages 2545-2557, 10.1109/JESTPE.2024.3390845


Zarghani M. 0000-0001-5286-0799 [1] Iannuzzo F. 0000-0003-3949-2172 [2] Blaabjerg F. 0000-0003-0223-4081 [1] Kaboli S. 0000-0002-1764-4115 (Corresponding author) [1]


  1. [1] Sharif University of Technology
  2. [NORA names: Iran; Asia, Middle East];
  3. [2] Aalborg University
  4. [NORA names: AAU Aalborg University; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


This article presents a voltage balancing scheme for series-connected insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) (SCIs) using a turn-off delay compensator. In SCIs, inherent synchronization challenges and parasitic capacitances lead to uneven voltage distribution and potential overvoltage conditions. Traditional time delay adjustment methods adjusting both turn-on and turn-off delays involve complex circuitry, difficult for numerous SCIs. This article examines factors affecting voltage imbalances during turn-on and turn-off transitions, revealing that turn-off imbalances are more critical. Therefore, a straightforward approach is introduced for turn-off delay compensation, eliminating the need for high bandwidth and isolated feedbacks. In addition, in the proposed scheme, by locally adjusting the turn-off delay time for each switch, it obviates the necessity for separate command signals. Consequently, this pragmatic scheme is especially well-suited for applications where the complexity becomes a hindrance to expanding the number of series-connected switches. Simulation and experiments involving four IGBTs within a 2.4-kV system demonstrate a voltage balancing accuracy of less than 20 V.


Series insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs), turn-off delay time adjustment, voltage balancing

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