open access publication

Article, 2024

Pilot-scale CO capture demonstration of heat integration through split flow configuration using 30 wt% MEA at a Waste-to-Energy facility

Separation and Purification Technology, ISSN 1383-5866, Volume 345, 10.1016/j.seppur.2024.127311


Vinjarapu S.H.B. 0000-0003-2863-1683 (Corresponding author) [1] Neerup R. 0000-0003-1322-4436 [1] Larsen A.H. [1] Villadsen S.N.B. 0000-0002-6865-8840 [1] Von Solms N. 0000-0002-8448-1651 [1] Jensen S. [2] Karlsson J.L. 0009-0003-8637-9401 [2] Kappel J. 0000-0002-1241-3641 Lassen H. Blinksbjerg P. Fosbol P.L. 0000-0003-1067-2348 [1]


  1. [1] Technical University of Denmark
  2. [NORA names: DTU Technical University of Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  3. [2] Pentair Union Engineering A/S
  4. [NORA names: Other Companies; Private Research; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


Post-combustion carbon capture is a well-established technology to limit CO from industrial emissions. However, challenges such as high energy requirements for solvent regeneration persist. Research is still being conducted to improve the energy efficiency of the process. This study aims to present the results of process intensification in a pilot-scale CO capture plant. The pilot-scale investigations were carried out at Amager Bakke, a Waste-to-Energy facility in Copenhagen, Denmark. The tests were conducted by implementing the split flow configuration as a method of process intensification. The CO rich stream was split before flowing through the rich/lean heat exchanger. One of the split streams was fed to the stripper top, and the other was sent through the heat exchanger and then fed to the stripper. The cold split stream at the stripper top is heated by the overhead vapours which would otherwise escape the stripper. The current work discusses the split flow configuration results of the pilot plant by employing 30 wt% MEA as the solvent and compares it to the base-case performance of the pilot. Experiments were conducted by splitting 22% of the rich solvent and feeding it to the stripper top. The performance of the split flow configuration was analysed at different reboiler duties. A minimum specific reboiler duty of 3.45 GJ/tonne CO is obtained for the split flow configuration, which is less than the base case by 7.8%. Additionally, a reduction in the condenser duty by at least 68% was achieved by the implementation of the split flow configuration.


Base case configuration, CO capture, Pilot-scale, Process intensification, Split flow configuration, Waste-to-Energy


  • Net Zero Energy Carbon Capture
  • Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

Data Provider: Elsevier