open access publication

Article, 2024

Bypassing the scaling relations in oxygen electrocatalysis with geometry-adaptive catalysts

Catalysis Science and Technology, ISSN 2044-4753, Volume 14, 8, Pages 2105-2113, 10.1039/d4cy00036f


Cepitis R. 0000-0002-6384-7589 [1] Ivanistsev V. 0000-0003-4517-0540 (Corresponding author) [1] Rossmeisl J. 0000-0001-7749-6567 [2] Kongi N. 0000-0001-9680-0421 (Corresponding author) [1]


  1. [1] Institute of Chemistry
  2. [NORA names: Estonia; Europe, EU; OECD];
  3. [2] University of Copenhagen
  4. [NORA names: KU University of Copenhagen; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


This communication introduces the concept of geometry-adaptive electrocatalysis, where a catalyst adjusts its geometry during the reaction. A model system of metal-nitrogen-carbon (M-N-C) catalysts - the dual-atom site 2Co-N of variable curvature - proves the concept from the first principles. Density functional theory calculations show how cycling the curvature effect with a geometry adaptation bypasses the scaling relations. Thus, in theory, geometry-adaptive electrocatalysis offers a promising direction to address the current stagnation in the experimentally measured overpotential for oxygen evolution and reduction reactions. It also indicates the possibility of discovering the ideal oxygen electrocatalyst.


  • Eesti Teadusagentuur
  • Center for High Entropy Alloys Catalysis
  • Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond
  • Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium
  • H2020 Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Actions
  • Horizon 2020
  • Danish National Research Foundation Centers of Excellence

Data Provider: Elsevier