open access publication

Article, 2024

GPAW: An open Python package for electronic structure calculations

Journal of Chemical Physics, ISSN 0021-9606, 1089-7690, Volume 160, 9, 10.1063/5.0182685


Mortensen J.J. 0000-0001-5090-6706 (Corresponding author) [1] Larsen A.H. 0000-0001-5267-6852 [1] Kuisma M. 0000-0001-8323-3405 [1] Ivanov A.V. 0000-0001-7403-3508 Taghizadeh A. 0000-0003-0876-9538 [1] Peterson A.A. 0000-0003-2855-9482 Haldar A. 0000-0002-2308-7415 Dohn A.O. 0000-0002-5172-7168 [1] Schafer C. 0000-0002-8557-733X [2] Jonsson E.O. 0000-0001-6273-1237 [3] Hermes E.D. 0000-0001-6699-7948 Nilsson F. 0000-0002-0163-3024 [1] Kastlunger G. 0000-0002-3767-8734 [1] Levi G. 0000-0002-4542-0653 [3] Jonsson H. 0000-0001-8285-5421 [3] Hakkinen H. 0000-0002-8558-5436 [4] Fojt J. 0000-0002-8372-3153 [2] Kangsabanik J. 0000-0003-4900-016X [1] Sodequist J. 0000-0001-7767-0633 [1] Lehtomaki J. [5] Heske J. 0000-0001-6503-9967 [1] Enkovaara J. 0000-0002-7596-2891 Winther K.T. 0000-0003-1254-1165 [6] Dulak M. 0009-0000-4026-5626 [1] Melander M.M. 0000-0001-7111-1603 [4] Ovesen M. 0009-0008-6950-510X [1] Louhivuori M. 0009-0009-2632-8243 Walter M. 0000-0001-6679-2491 [7] Gjerding M.N. 0000-0002-5256-660X [1] Lopez-Acevedo O. 0000-0003-4489-6841 [8] Erhart P. 0000-0002-2516-6061 [2] Warmbier R. 0000-0001-8508-4095 [9] Wurdemann R. 0000-0001-8902-8787 [7] Kaappa S. 0000-0001-6989-6077 [10] Latini S. 0000-0001-9553-5259 [1] Boland T.M. 0000-0002-2587-5677 [1] Bligaard T. 0000-0003-0386-0201 [1] Skovhus T. 0000-0001-5215-6419 [1] Susi T. 0000-0003-2513-573X [11] Maxson T. 0000-0002-7668-8986 Rossi T.P. 0000-0002-8713-4559 Chen X. 0000-0001-6149-2270 [12] Schmerwitz Y.L.A. 0000-0001-6277-0359 [3] Schiotz J. 0000-0002-0670-8013 [1] Olsen T. 0000-0001-6256-9284 [1] Jacobsen K.W. 0000-0002-1121-2979 [1] Thygesen K.S. 0000-0002-4861-0268 [1]


  1. [1] Technical University of Denmark
  2. [NORA names: Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  3. [2] Chalmers University of Technology
  4. [NORA names: Sweden; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  5. [3] Science Institute
  6. [NORA names: Iceland; Europe, Non-EU; Nordic; OECD];
  7. [4] University of Jyväskylä
  8. [NORA names: Finland; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  9. [5] Aalto University
  10. [NORA names: Finland; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];


We review the GPAW open-source Python package for electronic structure calculations. GPAW is based on the projector-augmented wave method and can solve the self-consistent density functional theory (DFT) equations using three different wave-function representations, namely real-space grids, plane waves, and numerical atomic orbitals. The three representations are complementary and mutually independent and can be connected by transformations via the real-space grid. This multi-basis feature renders GPAW highly versatile and unique among similar codes. By virtue of its modular structure, the GPAW code constitutes an ideal platform for the implementation of new features and methodologies. Moreover, it is well integrated with the Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE), providing a flexible and dynamic user interface. In addition to ground-state DFT calculations, GPAW supports many-body GW band structures, optical excitations from the Bethe-Salpeter Equation, variational calculations of excited states in molecules and solids via direct optimization, and real-time propagation of the Kohn-Sham equations within time-dependent DFT. A range of more advanced methods to describe magnetic excitations and non-collinear magnetism in solids are also now available. In addition, GPAW can calculate non-linear optical tensors of solids, charged crystal point defects, and much more. Recently, support for graphics processing unit (GPU) acceleration has been achieved with minor modifications to the GPAW code thanks to the CuPy library. We end the review with an outlook, describing some future plans for GPAW.


  • European Commission
  • Catalysis Science Program
  • National Academic Infrastructure for Supercomputing
  • European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking
  • Villum Fonden
  • Basic Energy Sciences
  • Suomen Akatemia
  • U.S. Department of Energy
  • Horizon 2020 Framework Programme
  • VILLUM Centre for the Science of Sustainable Fuels and Chemicals
  • H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
  • Danmarks Grundforskningsfond
  • VILLUM Fonden research
  • Vetenskapsrådet
  • VILLUM Center for Science
  • Universidad de Antioquia
  • China Scholarship Council
  • CSC – IT Center for Science
  • Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences Division
  • European Research Council
  • Office of Science
  • Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse
  • Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond
  • Icelandic Centre for Research
  • Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
  • Horizon Europe research and innovation program of the European Union

Data Provider: Elsevier