open access publication

Conference Paper, 2024

An Optimal Algorithm for Higher-Order Voronoi Diagrams in the Plane: The Usefulness of Nondeterminism

Proceedings of the Annual ACM SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, Volume 2024-, Pages 4451-4463, 10.1137/1.9781611977912.156


Chan T.M. (Corresponding author) Cheng P. 0000-0002-8131-847X [1] Zheng D.W.


  1. [1] Aarhus University
  2. [NORA names: AU Aarhus University; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


We present the first optimal randomized algorithm for constructing the order-k Voronoi diagram of n points in two dimensions. The expected running time is O(n log n + nk), which improves the previous, two-decades-old result of Ramos (SoCG'99) by a (Equation presented) factor. To obtain our result, we (i) use a recent decision-tree technique of Chan and Zheng (SODA'22) in combination with Ramos's cutting construction, to reduce the problem to verifying an order-k Voronoi diagram, and (ii) solve the verification problem by a new divide-and-conquer algorithm using planar-graph separators. We also describe a deterministic algorithm for constructing the k-level of n lines in two dimensions in O(n log n + nk) time, and constructing the k-level of n planes in three dimensions in O(n log n + nk/) time. These time bounds (ignoring the n log n term) match the current best upper bounds on the combinatorial complexity of the k-level. Previously, the same time bound in two dimensions was obtained by Chan (1999) but with randomization.

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