open access publication

Article, 2024

Comparative Study on Predicting Topography from Gravity Anomaly and Gravity Gradient Anomaly

Remote Sensing, ISSN 2072-4292, Volume 16, 1, 10.3390/rs16010166


Xu H. [1] Tian Y. [1] Yu J. (Corresponding author) [1] Anderson O.B. 0000-0002-6685-3415 [2] Wang Q. 0000-0002-4624-1489 [1] Sun Z.


  1. [1] University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  2. [NORA names: China; Asia, East];
  3. [2] Technical University of Denmark
  4. [NORA names: DTU Technical University of Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


Owing to the dependence of algorithms on the measurement of ship soundings and geophysical parameters, the accuracy and coverage of topography still need to be improved. Previous studies have mostly predicted topography using gravity or gravity gradient, However, there is a relative lack of integrated research combining or comparing gravity and gravity gradient. In this study, we develop observation equations to predict topography based on vertical gravity anomalies (VG; also called gravity anomalies) and vertical gravity gradient (VGG) anomalies generated by a rectangular prism. The sources of interference are divided into medium- to high-frequency errors and low-frequency errors, and these new methods reduce these errors through regularization and error equations. We also use numerical simulations to test the efficiency of the algorithm and error-reduction method. Statistics show that VGG anomalies are more sensitive to topographic fluctuations; however, the linear correlation between VG anomalies and topography is stronger. Additionally, we use the EIGEN-6C4 model of VG and VGG anomalies to predict topography in shallow and deep-sea areas, with maximum depths of 2 km and 5 km, respectively. In the shallow and deep-sea areas, the root mean square (RMS) errors of VGG anomalies prediction are 93.8 m and 233.8 m, and the corresponding accuracies improved by 7.3% and 2.3% compared with those of VG anomaly prediction, respectively. Furthermore, we use cubic spline interpolation to fuse ship soundings and improve the accuracy of the final topography results. We develop a novel analytical algorithm by constructing an observation equation system applicable to VG and VGG anomalies. This will provide new insights and directions to refine topography prediction based on VG and VGG anomalies.


analytical algorithm, interference errors, topography, vertical gravity, vertical gravity gradient


  • Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
  • National Natural Science Foundation of China

Data Provider: Elsevier