Article, 2024

Evaluation of primary and secondary oxidation products in fish oil-in-water emulsions: Effect of metal-complexing peptides and protein hydrolysates

Food Chemistry, ISSN 0308-8146, Volume 439, 10.1016/j.foodchem.2023.138042


Irankunda R. 0009-0009-4086-152X [1] Bjorlie M. 0000-0002-2098-740X [2] Yesiltas B. 0000-0002-4587-9990 [2] Muhr L. [1] Canabady-Rochelle L. 0000-0003-2772-1556 (Corresponding author) [1] Jacobsen C. 0000-0003-3540-9669 [2]


  2. [NORA names: France; Europe, EU; OECD];
  3. [2] Technical University of Denmark
  4. [NORA names: DTU Technical University of Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


A novel approach consisting of preselection of peptides using bioinformatics tool followed by final selection using Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) - an efficient technique to investigate metal complexing properties of peptides/hydrolysates - was developed. Selected pea hydrolysates and synthetic metal chelating peptides potentially present in pea hydrolysates were investigated for their ability to inhibit the lipid oxidation in emulsions composed of 5 % w/w fish oil and stabilized with Tween® 20. Results indicated that addition of peptides/hydrolysates did not impact the physical stability of emulsions and led to lower level of lipid hydroperoxides. Moreover, peptide KGKSR inhibited the generation of 1-penten-3-ol and hexanal to the same level as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) did and the formation of 2 ethyl-furan was lower than when EDTA was added. Peptide GRHRQKHS showed same concentration of hexanal as EDTA thus confirming efficacy of using SPR for selecting peptides/hydrolysates to use as antioxidants in emulsions.


Antioxidants, Lipid oxidation, Metal-chelating peptides, Oxidative stability of emulsions, Pea hydrolysates


  • French ministry government
  • Agence Nationale de la Recherche
  • Ministère de l'Education Nationale, de l'Enseignement Superieur et de la Recherche
  • Lorraine Université d’Excellence

Data Provider: Elsevier