open access publication

Article, 2024

Sulfite activation of Fe-Mn bimetallic oxides for rapid oxidative removal of As(III) in water: Involvement of active Mn(III)

Chemical Engineering Journal, ISSN 1385-8947, Volume 479, 10.1016/j.cej.2023.147539


Cai G. [1] [2] Tian Y. 0000-0002-5703-7336 (Corresponding author) [1] Li L. [1] Zhang W. [1] Huang R. [1] Zhang J. [1] Wang Q. [1] Xu H. [1] Zhang Y. 0000-0002-2832-2277 [2]


  1. [1] Harbin Institute of Technology
  2. [NORA names: China; Asia, East];
  3. [2] Technical University of Denmark
  4. [NORA names: DTU Technical University of Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


The activation of sulfite [S(IV)] by transition metals, a new generation of advanced oxidation processes, has been widely studied for water purification. However, the application of this process to oxidize and remove arsenite [As(III)] from water through Fe-based S(IV) activation and the associated mechanisms are not fully understood. In particular, rapid removal of As(III) and secondary metal contamination have presented challenges. Herein, we develop a novel sea urchin-like magnetic Fe-Mn bimetallic oxides (FeMnO)-activated S(IV) process to address these issues. Under neutral pH, the FeMnO/S(IV) system achieved a 99.2 % removal of As(III) within only 10 min with residual arsenic concentration below 10 µg/L, and the removed As(III) was fully oxidized to arsenate [As(V)]. Additionally, FeMnO was recyclable and capable of treating actual arsenic-contaminated water. Furthermore, the oxidation mechanism of non-radical active trivalent manganese [Mn(III)] was discovered during the reaction between the FeMnO/S(IV) system and As(III). The FeMnO catalyst activated S(IV) to generate oxysulfur radicals (i.e., SO, SO and SO), but they were not the primary oxidizing species for As(III). Instead, As(III) oxidation was mainly attributed to the active Mn(III) generated by the electron transfer between the FeMnO catalyst and SO radicals. The discovery of active Mn(III) species in this work may provide a new avenue for developing novel Fe-Mn-type adsorbents to purify arsenic-contaminated water.


As(III), Fe-Mn bimetallic oxides, Oxidation, Sulfite, active Mn(III)


  • Key Research and Development Program of Heilongjiang
  • Harbin Institute of Technology
  • Shiyanjia Lab
  • National Natural Science Foundation of China

Data Provider: Elsevier