Letter, 2024

The Fallout of Market-Oriented Sustainability Measures: Tourism Destination Sustainability Benchmarking and Ranking

Journal of Travel Research, ISSN 0047-2875, Volume 63, 6, Pages 1574-1580, 10.1177/00472875231204844


Jorgensen M.T. 0000-0002-6202-1654 (Corresponding author) [1]


  1. [1] Roskilde University
  2. [NORA names: RUC Roskilde University; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


Destination sustainability indices, designed to facilitate benchmarking, ranking, and direct competition, are increasingly employed by destinations to showcase their sustainability achievements, meet stakeholder expectations, and attract visitors. Consequently, these indices play a pivotal role in influencing how destinations strategically prioritize their sustainability initiatives. Despite the burgeoning research on sustainability measures, research on market-centric destination benchmarks and rankings remains limited. This letter aims to underscore the distinction between measures that apply a minimum standard approach, for example certifications, and those that allow for benchmarking/ranking in assessing destination sustainability. It argues that the latter holds significant potential to impact sustainable destination development. Thus, it investigates the question of what happens when destination sustainability becomes a point of competition and demonstrates that even meticulously designed indices can encourage counterproductive behaviors, potentially undermining sustainability progress at destinations. Based on this, the letter advocates for a comprehensive investigation into market-oriented sustainability indices and rankings.


Market-oriented, benchmarking, certification, index, ranking, sustainability

Data Provider: Elsevier