Chapter, 2023

Professional learning and development in Denmark: From formal competence development and professional learning communities to an emergence approach

Innovation in Teacher Professional Learning in Europe Research Policy and Practice 9781000962628, 9781032334493, Pages 160-171


Publisher: Taylor and Francis

DOI: 10.4324/9781003322610-13


Thorborg M. [1] Qvortrup L.


  1. [1] Aarhus University
  2. [NORA names: AU Aarhus University; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


In this chapter, we focus on approaches to professional learning and development (PLD) in Denmark since the 2014 national school reform. We describe how a formal competence development approach dominated in the initial phase and how this was gradually supplemented by a top-down-oriented teacher collaboration approach within the framework of professional learning communities (PLCs). A central assumption behind this emphasis on collaboration was that collaboration would lead to increased on-the-job learning through feedback and reflection. Neither of the recent PLD approaches, however, seems to have had a significant positive impact on students’ performance. In this chapter, we analyze the examples of teacher collaboration as part of the PLD initiatives in Denmark. By including a complexity-oriented theoretical perspective, this chapter advocates an approach according to which teacher collaboration and PLD should be observed as a result of emerging processes of organization and complexity management, rather than being the result of top-down management decisions.

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