open access publication

Article, 2018

Power resistor selection, the right way

IEEE Power Electronics Magazine, ISSN 2329-9207, Volume 5, 4, Pages 20-23, 10.1109/MPEL.2018.2874614


Van Dijk W. 0000-0003-3872-7662 [1] Siefken J.


  1. [1] Danotherm Electric
  2. [NORA names: Miscellaneous; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


Selecting the correct resistor for a specific task can be a mind-breaking puzzle, especially in applications with pulses of high power when average power is relatively modest. On the one hand, the resistor must be big enough to prevent risks or hazards. On the other hand, the resistor should be as small as possible to save space and reduce costs. This article explains the steps necessary to make a wise selection.

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