Review, 2017

Generations and Access to Land in Postconflict Northern Uganda: Youth Have No Voice in Land Matters

African Studies Review, ISSN 0002-0206, Volume 60, 3, Pages 17-36, 10.1017/asr.2017.120


Whyte S.R. [1] Acio E. [2]


  1. [1] University of Copenhagen
  2. [NORA names: KU University of Copenhagen; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  3. [2] Gulu University
  4. [NORA names: Uganda; Africa]


Generational tensions are one of the many forms that land conflicts take in northern Uganda. The convention in Acholiland was that young men gained land-use rights through their fathers and young women gained them through their husbands. This pattern of generational governance has become complicated in the wake of the civil war and decades of internment in IDP camps. Lacking husbands, young women are using land of their patrilateral kin, while young men who grew up with their mothers may use that of their matrilateral relatives. This article, based on fieldwork in the Acholi subregion between 2014 and 2016, explores classic anthropological concerns about gerontocracy and patriliny in a contemporary postconflict situation. It describes the discreet land access strategies of young men and women and the ways in which they seek to complement dependence on relatives by renting or buying land. The image of the war generation as morally spoiled is countered by an examination of the consequences of war and internment for young people's claims to use land.


Acholiland, Bridewealth, Generations, Land access, Marriage, Postwar land conflicts, Youth

Data Provider: Elsevier